True Christians
The children of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, I shelter you all with my Maternal Love, I keep you all in the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus.
Dear children, I invite you to open your hearts with love, with faith, to the Father in Heaven so that you may be healed and freed from your many burdens. Today I come to gather my little army, those souls who desire to fight against evil and sin.
Pray, pray, pray, my children, that you may become true Christians. For the Christian carries his cross day by day with love, with faith and hope, and thus little by little, step by step, you will advance on the path of holiness.
If you, my child, respond to my call, I promise you my maternal protection. I invite you to become true children, true soldiers of the Gospel, so that the Reign of our United Hearts may spread throughout the world.
In this little place is my maternal presence, and thus, I desire to pass through the doors of your hearts, of your families. Pray the Holy Rosary constantly, adore and venerate the Wounds of my Son Jesus Christ. My maternal tears and tears of blood remain in you to bless you.
Pray, pray for Nicaragua because violence is destroying it. Change now and always. Today I invite you to the path of conversion and in this way, you will be my true children.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.