“My fifth Sorrow and Joy”
Beloved children of my Most Chaste Heart:
Heaven calls all the Apostles of the Sacred Hearts who, together with Me, desire to be at the service and total surrender to Jesus and Mary, to travel the desert road.
Dear children, the Angel of the Lord warned me that Herod wanted to murder all the newborns of Bethlehem, among whom was my Adopted Son. And, to protect the life and mission of the Child Jesus and his Mother, the Blessed Virgin, we had to flee to Egypt.
I traveled this road from Bethlehem to Egypt with great sorrow in my heart, without knowing, without understanding, only with my faith and my obedience. I did not want the Mother and the Son to lack anything.
But upon arriving in Egypt, my Heart was transformed into a refuge for Jesus and Mary and joy invaded my Heart, as I saw the Son of God arrive in pagan lands and destroy with his sole Presence and with the Immaculate Lady, the pagan gods of Egypt.
Now, open your hearts and allow Me, your Father, Saint Joseph, to take Jesus and Mary to the Egypt of the hearts, and let all that occupies your hearts be overthrown and be transformed into a Holy Land, chosen, and blessed.
I give you my Patriarchal Blessing.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.