Peace is a grace that only God can give. Peace does not dwell in the human heart, for since the time when your first parents, Adam and Eve, rebelled against the Lord, peace and grace fled from their hearts.
Peace, now, is a gift from God. Peace is a gift of his love, and you must pray for the gift of peace in your heart and you must practice peace. Peace is a Grace that not only manifests itself inwardly, but peace also manifests itself in speaking, listening, looking and feeling. The soul that has peace can be seen to be living in peace, because also its external acts show that it is in peace; but he who is not at peace also in his external acts can be clearly seen to be not at peace.
Dear children, he who is not at peace easily expresses that he does not live in peace. He lives in anger, in worry, without patience. Everything he observes bothers him and everything he hears and is told, and as he is without peace he is immersed in much noise and the noise makes it difficult for the soul to hear the silent voice of the Lord, the serene voice of the Holy Spirit, the loving voice of the son of God.
I invite you, children of my Most Chaste Heart, to pray for the gift of peace. The world needs peace, but you also need peace in your hearts. Peace becomes a contemplative silence, because the soul that is at peace is silent and can hear the Lord better.
I, Saint Joseph, a man of peace and silence, bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.