My Holy Spirit is the living force of the Father and the Son. And the Holy Spirit confirms that my Words are the truth. The Holy Spirit is the very soul of the Divine Will. He who lives in the Holy Spirit lives in the Divine Will, for the Holy Spirit is truth and leads souls to live the Divine Will of the Father.
The Holy Spirit is the force that moves the will. The Holy Spirit sows the Will of the Father in the heart, waters it, protects it and makes it grow. And the Holy Spirit prunes that little plant that grows, removing everything that disfigures it, such as sin, self-love, pride and vanity.
The Holy Spirit empowers my children to live my Commandments, which are the way of the Divine Will on earth. Whoever does not live of the Holy Spirit then is dead in the soul, because the Holy Spirit is the soul of the souls, is the breath of life that gives life, is the breath that allows creatures to live. The Holy Spirit is love itself that moves and orders everything, directing it to the Father.
Live in the Holy Spirit and you will live in peace! Live in the Holy Spirit and you will have confidence! And let the Holy Spirit speak and act through you and in you. It is the Holy Spirit who nourishes this work of the End Times, so that it may be docile and bring about in the world the Reign of Our Sacred Hearts, which is the very reign of the Holy Spirit.
I give you my blessing in mercy, in the Holy Spirit.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.