I will come to beautify my garden.
The instrument: Blessed are you Lord for you are the Light and the Love of the hearts that, like children, are abandoned in you, my beloved Jesus.
Jesus: Blessed are you, my little Elijah, for your love is the fruit of the presence of the Holy Spirit of God in you. Look at My little Garden, a dry, arid and desert garden, but my Love and Mercy will come to beautify my Garden, by cultivating a Garden of flowers that will give off the best aromas of my presence. My little one, in this Garden I will gather all the beauties of creation, for man and his vanity have divided it. But my Sacred Heart will reign and gather all the flowers into one Garden. You are the flowers, the Garden is my Church, action is the Apostolate. With it, I desire the unity and reconciliation of men, and of men with God.
My little flowers, see this Apostolate as a service. Charity, the greatest fruit of the Holy Spirit, will encourage you to commit yourselves to my cause.
Dear children of my Agonizing Heart, be servants, be slaves for love, be little flowers left in the Hands of the Gardener.
Dear ones, let us work together for it is time to return to God and conquer more flowers, the withered souls of poor sinners and those who do not yet know me. I love you and I bless you.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.