These are mes of prayer.
I am the Good Shepherd; I give my life for my flock, not like the hired man who only complies for the pay of his day, but I comply because I love them and give myself wholeheartedly to my flock. With my staff, I will guide my people with righteousness. Prepare my faithful sheep and lambs because the day of Yahweh is coming, a great day of jusce; pray, my little ones, in these days; I ask you for a constant, merciful, and faithful prayer.
There is no time to lose my little ones; you must pray much, convert, and be a very nourished sheep to offer them to my Father. Perhaps you want to give Him your rickety spirit without conversion or love.
Pray, pray, pray. The days are getting shorter, and only the sheep of my Flock that hear these Messages will recognize my Voice.
I ask you to pray for the Church. Pray for all the shepherds of souls. Pray for the consecrated souls. Pray that they may prepare their hearts so that when I call my flock, they may listen to me and respond to my Call.
Pray because I am coming with my Divine Mother, the Divine Shepherdess of souls.
I love and bless you, my little Elijah.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.