Children of my Sacred Heart, my desire is for each of you to be truly converted.
Little ones, you must never stop, persevere, because conversion is a daily conquest; as daily you must overcome yourselves, overcome your wills, overcome your selfishness, overcome your weaknesses, daily you must die, renounce, and carry the Cross.
My children, I make a call to you: grow in love for your neighbor, because he who hates his brother is a suicidal man, he who hates his neighbor is a murderer, he who keeps hatred in his heart has already killed his own heart; rejection, lack of love and arrogance are not gifts but curses, because they move your hearts away from the law of love.
If you would follow me, love without measure, without condition, for, in this way, I love, thus, I, too, bear you, this way, I, too, have patience with you, this way, I, too, have to forgive you.
Grow in Love, that you may grow in the Divine Will! Love and Divine Will are two equal garments and sisters, daughters of the Divine Mercy. Pay attention to My Words, I speak to you because I love you and I want your salvation.
I bless you with Merciful Love: in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.