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April 29, 2021 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

Manuel, confidant of my Sacred Eucharistic Heart, I am sharing with you all the secrets of my Redeeming Heart, and, at the same time, guiding you to make them known to my people.

My prophet, the least of all, you and the Apostolate, as a Work of Reparation, also have the mission of UNITING to repair the wounds that division has caused in my Church and in the Marian Army of the Apostles of the End Times.

Therefore, my little one:

The Apostolate comes to gather all nations and the Devotions of the End Times have been given to you in the Apostolate, dictating them to my little prophet. For this reason, pay attention to these Last Calls to Love and Conversion.

Dear Spouse of my Cross, Manuel of my Sacred Heart:

The exudations of our Tears and Frost on your hands are the signs that accompany your mission. These  exudations from your hands will also grant graces of healing of body and soul to my children and by means of cotton pads, send this grace to all my children.

Our United Sacred Hearts incarnated in your heart bless you and bless all the Apostles of the End Times.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin.


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