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April 4, 2014 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Mary, the Heart of Redemption.

Dear children:

I am your Immaculate Mother, in whom the Son of God became incarnate. I am the nucleus, the center of the redemptive mystery, because without my obedience, without my humility, the miracle of the Redemption and of the Incarnation would not have been accomplished.

Learn, dear children, to incarnate the Word. The Word becomes incarnate in you when you struggle to practice it, when you strive to live it, obey the Word, this is how the Word becomes incarnate. Christ Jesus became incarnate in my Womb, now He becomes incarnate in the Eucharist.

My child, what ails you? Why are you sad? Am I not here who am your Mother, am I not holding you in my arms? You are my chosen vessel.

My little victim soul from which my words to the world spring forth, do not doubt, in truth I am speaking to you.

In all times the Lord has given his people prophets. You are a prophet, even if the revelation is one, tell my children to walk the straight path, that they may be more united to Jesus: the way, the truth, and the life. The way of truth is in the Church, in the sacraments, in the Word and in the greatest sacrament: the Holy Eucharist.

Prepare yourselves to be united to Jesus. Courage my child, I use you, you are my prophet, my communicator, try in everything to please the Father, console the Son, be docile to the Holy Spirit, always listen to your Blessed Mother.

In our United Hearts is your safe haven.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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