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Children of my Most Chaste Heart, peace! Peace, silence, and simplicity of spirit are missing because there is no sincere openness, from the heart to our last Calls to Love and Conversion. Also, many souls do not live the Calls to Love and Conversion, expecting others to live them, and it is not so, dear children. You, soul, must be the first to live the Calls to Love and Conversion without depending on the answer given by others.

Dear children, it is that many hope to advance in the spiritual life by placing themselves on the level of others.

Dear children, each one must walk by itself and the response is personal, and the decision is individual. It is true that the good you do have repercussions around you and gives testimony and light, but your testimony does not have to stop for others. You must have peace in your heart. Inner peace is a necessary condition to be able to hear more clearly the voice of the Holy Spirit. When the soul is at peace it can listen better, it can discern more, and it has the strength to act. When I was in Nazareth, I let peace enter into my heart and inner peace made it easier for the Angel of the Lord to speak to me clearly and to live and obey his holy design to take care of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

I invite you, dear children, to inner peace. Pray in peace. Serve in peace. By this I mean that everything you do, you do it trusting in the Divine Providence, which knows how to do better what man, because of his humanity, is limited to do. But trust is necessary; if there is no trust, there is no abandonment. If the soul trusts, it abandons itself in God and is more docile to the Holy Will of God. Dear children, peace, trust and surrender to the Divine Will are what you need to put into practice.

As the Patriarch of the Holy Family who abandoned himself to the Divine Will, I give you the blessing, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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