I have come to show my heart and reveal to you the deepest desires of my heart. Souls, I am offering my heart, so that you may love it, know it and learn from my heart. Through my Calls to Love and Conversion, which are the last for mankind, I have desired to make myself known to all as a loving heart, longing and yearning for its creatures. My heart has come to give you wisdom, it has come to give you love, and it has come to instruct you in the Holy Gospel.
But from you, men, I have received only ingratitude, disobedience, indifference, and my Will is reasoned. Souls, why are you afraid of this heart that is infinitely in love with you? My heart has opened, so that all may come to me and I may make known to them the immense love of God; because with God’s love I will heal mankind, because with God’s love I have redeemed the world on the Cross, because with God’s immense love I have risen, so as not to leave you alone. But my sheep are still indifferent to the shepherd’s voice; my sheep are still rebellious to the shepherd’s love.
Humanity, with this work of my Apostolate I want to attract you again to my heart, so that you do not harden your heart.
With divine love I bless you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.