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April 7, 2014 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

Purification in the Most Pure Womb of the Blessed Mother.

My son, today I will speak to you about the purification in the Most Chaste Womb of my Mother. Only in this Tabernacle of Love is the great Eucharistic Mystery understood. Only here is purification given. Immerse yourselves in the ocean of my mercy, and as every ocean has its terrestrial, physical container, this means, my beloved, the place, the space where it is contained, so the Immaculate Womb of my Mother is that place where the merciful water of my love is dwelt.

The Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary is the greatest fountain of that ocean… don’t you realize, my beloved, that here is the blood that I shed?

The Blood of my beloved Mother, is my blood. Her Immaculate Flesh is my Flesh. And when you take me in Holy Communion you eat my Flesh and my Blood, Flesh of my beloved Mother and Blood of my beloved Mother.

My little one, purify yourself in this Spring of Grace, in this Fountain of mercy… Don’t you see that this Blood is my Blood; that this Water that cleanses you is my Water? Why so much hardness of heart, my people, my flock? “Do not harden your hearts as at Meribah, as on the day of Massah in the dessert” (Psalm 95:8). Don’t you see that my Mother is the precious vessel of grace; that this grace is my Precious Blood and Water? Son, annihilate yourself in this Womb. Only like this you will find my Peace; lasting Peace and it is from the heart. After your purification you will be willing to serve, love, and pray. What good does it serve you, son, if you only do it because of obligation and not for love, or you see my graces as a compromise that you are obliged to get?

My dear people, love is what I desire; love for my Mother, love for my Word, love for my Church (he who does not love my Church does not love Christ) and my ministers, love among you. In this fathomless Sea of Love, the Immaculate Womb of my Mother, you will find love; you will be purified; will be cleansed; “many shall be refined, purified, and tested, but the wicked shall prove wicked; the wicked shall have no understanding, but those with insight shall” (Daniel 12:10).

Children, in my Church, in the only Church, is the Maternal Womb of my Beloved Mother. It is here in my Church where, my beloved Mother, gestates you, and prepares and teaches you so that you will live our Heaven; which is the Love and the Trinitarian Presence. Beloved bud of my heart, be useful and docile, and let me lead the dinghy in your soul, so it will enter and swim to the deep end of this beautiful Ocean of Mercy and Love, the Immaculate Womb of my Beloved Mother. Amen.

Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin.


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