Dear children of my Chaste and Loving Heart:
I want you to understand that the ejaculation, which Jesus Christ has given you, announces that you are already living the Era of the Three Hearts of the Holy Family.
And that, moreover, it is an invocation to the three advocations and titles granted by the Holy Trinity for these End Times:
Three titles that are bringing about the pouring out of immense graces on humanity as never before.
Three invocations for the End Times that God has granted as a gift of salvation to the entire Army of the Faithful Remnant.
Three final and universal invocations that are manifested in this little refuge of Our Three Hearts.
Three advocations that will heal and save the world.
Little children:
But it is also important to remember that Heaven has asked you also the devotion to the first Wednesday of every month, in honor of the Chaste and Loving Heart of your Protector father, Saint Joseph.
Little children:
Also the first Wednesdays are a source of grace for the whole world.
Dearly beloved children, every first Wednesday of the month you will repair for seven causes:
The rejection of God’s Love.
The infidelity, ignorance and disobedience to the Commandments of the Lord.
To make reparation to the Three United Hearts of the Holy Family of Nazareth.
To make reparation for the sins and infidelity of the priests of the Lord.
To make reparation for the sins and infidelity of religious men and women.
To make reparation for sins and infidelity of all baptized members of the Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Church.
To make reparation for souls that live immersed in any kind of vice and sin, especially for those sins against purity.
Little children:
As you meditate on my Sorrows and Joys, every First Wednesday, also meditate on the seven causes that you must repair, so that the world may soon convert and return to God.
Remember that to understand our Calls to Love and our comings to this place, it is important to pray and read continuously our Calls, and the precious pearls in each Call will be kept in your hearts. Again, I invite you: listen to us with your heart!
I, your Father Saint Joseph, First Consoler of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.