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My Heart, with all the Infinite Love it contains, comes to seek the souls to save them, comes to seek the sinner to forgive him, and comes to seek the sick person to heal him. Soul, I have found you sick and sinful, but I looked at you with merciful eyes, and I extend my hand and give you my Word, so that you may return to me.

My Sacred Heart in these times is overflowing with graces, more than in times past, and I show my Heart as a brother, a father and a spouse, so that all souls may know and receive the Love I have for each one of you.

My children, my Apostolate is the hand that is guiding the souls, holding them, so that they do not perish.

My Calls to Love is my voice that reveals to the souls my will, my desires, my Words.

Little children of my Sacred Heart, open your hearts, open them by means of prayer and fasting, in this way, my little children, you will understand my Calls and my spirit will strengthen you, for you to put them into practice. Again, I invite you: look at my Heart given totally for you! It is important to adore my Heart, but it is also important to imitate it.

Children, I am your light, do not reject it. And I promise to all souls of the Faithful Remnant of these end times that those who come to this Refuge of our Sacred Hearts, besides being marked with the Seal of the End Times, the Seal of Revelation, with my Precious Blood, will also experience my Merciful Love and I will give the grace of a deep conversion.

And from this same refuge of the three Hearts of the Holy Family, I bless the whole world.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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