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That Eucharistic Night when, with my beloved Apostles, I celebrated the fraction of the Bread asking them to commemorate this Holy Supper, in the Cenacle of Jerusalem, my Sacrifice was symbolic, but at the moment I laid my Hands on the bread and wine, the miracle of Transubstantiation took place, where the Bread and Wine was my Living Body and my Real Blood. So, Easter ceased to be symbolic and became, on that night, a Living and Real Sacrifice.

On Holy Thursday, my Sacrifice was in the Bread and Wine, and on Good Friday, my Sacrifice was with the Cross. That Holy Night, I retired to the Garden, outside the city, to pray. At that moment, as I walked to the Garden, my Heart said goodbye to my Mother’s Heart. How many times my Mother protected me, but that night I knew that she could not do anything for me, because that is why I had come into the world.  My Mother, also very afflicted, patiently accepted the Will of God.

Arriving at Gethsemane, I bowed and prayed; I prayed for the world, I prayed for sinners, I prayed for Judas, for Annas, for Caiaphas, for the Roman soldiers, I prayed for you. At that moment, my Heart went into agony; all the sins of the world, from the first, yours, and the sin of the last man on the face of the earth, fell on me, and I became sin for you, and at that moment God was alone, God became nothing for you.

And even the world always falls into the lie of believing that it is something. Human pride will never understand, my Agony in the Garden, only the humble attain this place. Every sin passed before me, and the pain I felt was as if I, Jesus, had committed them, but I assumed your sins so that you would be saved.

I was afraid, nostalgic, but my Heart exploded with Love; the Blood Sweat of my forehead, was for Love.  Sadly, my sorrowful Passion is forgotten. If the world thought more about what I suffered, it would surely live more in holiness, but my Heart suffers when it sees that even the Consecrated Ones forget my Passion.

Only the humble can understand this, only the little ones of Heart can understand my pain. Make yourselves little! Make yourselves little with all your Heart! that you may accompany your Jesus in his suffering.

I invite you to pray with me in my Agony of Gethsemane. I give you my Blessing; in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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