My dear children, who as faithful apostles of Our Sacred Hearts, that of My Son Jesus and My Heart, gather around Your Mother in Heaven, who loves you and instructs you in the Word of God; see in the Mystery of My Dormition, the rest that the Holy Spirit gives to those souls that in Him expect and believe in the promises of My Son.
Dear children, in this state in which I found myself, My Son called me into His Kingdom and it was My Heart that was rising in longing and burning love for Jesus; the Love of My Son led me to Him; it was a rapture of Love, of My Love as a Mother and a Faithful Servant to the Love of My Son and My God. Dear children, I am now with My Son, to fulfill more perfectly My Mission as Mother of the whole Church.
My dear children, I am the Mediatrix of All Graces, and all your prayers are given to My Immaculate Heart and I present them to My Son Jesus; and, from now on, I am in the Glory of the Father, watching over and protecting each one of My children; do not feel alone; your Mother walks hand in hand with My Faithful Army toward the Kingdom of the Holy Eucharist, where we will proclaim together the greatness of the Lord.
Dear children, see in this Mystery of My Assumption into Heaven the hope that My Son awaits you, so that we may rejoice together as God’s Great Family of Trinitarian Love. I love you and I bless you. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin.