Dear brothers and sisters, I, Saint Theresa of Jesus, by Order of His Divine Majesty, come again to teach you about the Mansions of Holiness within the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Joseph and Mary Most Holy.
My brothers and little children, these Mansions are the inner life of the three United Sacred Hearts by virtue of the Spirit of God. At the same time, it is a path of inner perfection, a path divided into different stages of the spiritual life until the perfect union with the Father and His Divine Will.
By walking in these Mansions within the Sacred Hearts, the soul is purified, the soul is perfected, the soul is humbled and the Reigning Will becomes alive in the Life of the Holy Trinity, which is what Jesus wishes for these times. For this reason, souls by express order of Jesus, I also wish to tell you that those souls that go on pilgrimage to this Holy Place, the Carmel of the End Times, enter this Path of Perfection. Because, first, the soul reaches the Garden of Mary where is purified with the Water of the Fountain of Grace and Mercy, by purifying symbolically her life, by drinking from this Water of Grace and by washing her hands and feet, which represent the work and walk of the life of man, by being purified the soul enters this Refuge, this Mansion of Prayer where the comings from Heaven are taking place to transmit the Last Calls to Love for the world.
In this Mansion, the soul listens to the Voice of God. And as the soul goes through this pilgrimage and spiritual exercise of the Fountain of Grace and Mercy toward the Mansion of the United Sacred Hearts, the soul, being marked with the Blood of the Divine Lamb of God, receives the word “Fiat Mihi”, “Let it be done in Me”, written on her heart, and this way all Apostles of the Sacred Hearts will be sealed; preparing therefore the coming of the Divine Kingdom of the transforming Will of God.
The soul that goes on pilgrimage to the Dwelling of the three Sacred Hearts also receives the Divine Testament, the “Fiat Mihi”, “Let there be done in Me”, written on her heart, which is also the goal of the spiritual journey of the Christian soul through the Mansions of the Sacred Hearts. In this blessed place, Christ and the Heavenly Mother are writing in the hearts of the Apostles of these End Times the “Fiat Mihi”, and thus already opening the way in Creation towards the arrival of His Kingdom.
I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.