“The betrothal to the Cross”
Praise be to the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Christ.
‘Little nothing’ of Jesus and Mary:
It is important, in order for you to understand your mission and vocation, to consider from the first Call that at the request of Our Lady and the Divine Spirit the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus made to you.
He called you and you gave Him the only thing you had: your nothingness. Jesus took your nothingness and clothed you, through the Mystical Incarnation in you, with the Two Sacred Hearts united. He united you to His sorrowful passion by placing on your head, shoulder, side and back, hands, and feet the invisible marks of His sorrowful Passion. He sealed these graces, giving you the gift of the third Fiat, and, as the fruit of this third Fiat – which is the gift that is given to souls in the Seventh Chamber of Sanctifying Love, which is the betrothal with the Most Holy Trinity – all these graces make you even smaller, more nothing, and faithful imitator of the beloved Jesus, who became the last to serve all.
As a grace of the Mercy of the Heart of Jesus with you and as an effect of the Trinitarian betrothal, Jesus truly makes you the Spouse of the Cross. And, with this betrothal union of the Cross with you, all the invisible marks of the Passion will be internally opened in you; so that you offer yourself on the Cross to Jesus: for his Bride, the Church, the consecrated priests and religious, and so that the world may know the love of his Sacred Heart. And these internal wounds, alive within you, united to your spouse, the Cross, will be a continuous oblation of reparatory love.
And I, Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe, am the Holy Protector of this betrothal of yours to the Cross. And the wounds of Jesus will be alive, open, and internal in you, as an oblation until the day of your Easter.
I bless you, the least of the spouses of the Cross.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.