Dear son:
The Holy Spirit who is the force of my Divine Will carried out the greatest work of love: the Alliance of the Two Hearts. He united the Heart of God the Son with the Heart of the Immaculate creature.
The Holy Spirit, too, is the one who frees the Queen of Heaven from original sin but moving in the Queen and in her Immaculate soul by my Divine Will.
That is to say, all the prodigies that happened for the redemption of all my children have always been prodigies of the Most Holy Trinity. Prodigies of the Father, of the Word and of the Spirit.
The Feast of Mary Assumed into Heaven is the Feast of the Divine Will because the creature that perfectly lived our Divine Volition ascended to Heaven by our Divine Volition and is the first fruit of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.
Also, dear son, all the graces that have been granted to you, out of pure mercy, through the mediation of the Maternal Heart of the Queen of the Divine Will, are graces of the Divine Will, since all my work for the Apostolate also comes from my Divine Volition.
I, your Tender and Merciful Father, bless you, little victim of love.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.