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In many places, I have been.


I have been in many places, and only one is the Call. Listen to my words, children. Many of my apparitions and messages are attacked and not believed. 

Little children, pray and make sacrifices, console and dry my Tears for the manifestations of the Lord that have not been heard because  I only do what the Lord commands.


Little children, pray and make amends, be prayerful, make reparation and adore in Spirit and Truth, but also intercede and bend your knees for the salvation of your brothers, of my children.

Dear children, at this time, only one thing is important: the salvation of your souls, of your children, and the conversion of sinners.

Pray with the Holy Rosary; it is not only a word that is repeated when said with love; each Hail Mary is a prayer, unique and unrepeatable.

Little children, sacrifice, penance, prayer. By doing so, you will save the family, the world, the United States, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Germany, Brazil, Singapore, and Venezuela. 

Children, pray, pray, pray. Dear children, I need souls strong in prayer who dare to wear themselves out with Jesus in the Eucharist. I need this Apostolate to be strong, of adoration, of intercession.

My sons, the Call I am making to you all is an important, urgent, strong call to each of you, and you need to give yourselves with Jesus' joy.

You need prayer with the strength of the Holy Spirit. Do not be afraid to pray. May your lives be a life of prayer, strong and unceasing.

Little children, be a strong Army of prayer. I encourage all of you, little children, to be prayerful souls, as those who are on fire. Pray, persevere in prayer with me. Be courageous soldiers, faithful disciples, strong apostles, and pray without ceasing in the Divine Will of God.

Iin the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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