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Humanity is thirsty, it is dry, and by its very dryness, it is cracking and crumbling. But here is my Sacred Heart and I come to give the living water, but there are hearts that do not want to receive it. Whoever drinks of this water shall never be thirsty, because this water that I give you is water of eternal life and calms any need of man. And this water is the Holy Spirit coming from the torrent which is my Sacred Heart.

I came with my Sacred Eucharistic Heart to give myself to all, to call all, and to teach all.

Dear children, why do you not listen to me? Do not harden your hearts anymore, because the human will, when it dominates you, hardens you. Listen to my last Calls to Love, in them my Divine Will is manifested, that is, what I want, what I wish and what I dream; may my creatures do and be children of the love of God and brothers and sisters of all.

My Sacred Heart has come to renew what it said to Saint Margaret: “This is the heart that has loved men so much and that, from men, only receives ingratitude and disobedience”.

Soul, I die in every man that lives of sin, I die in every man that is a slave of his vices, I die in every man that displaces me by his human will and rejects my teachings in the Holy Scriptures.

Do you want to repair so much rejection? Then love me, make me love, and love your brothers. This is the mansion of the Sacred Hearts, and I want to attract all to me. Open your hearts and listen.

I bless you with infinite love. The patient and desolate Heart of Jesus, from this dwelling, blesses the whole world.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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