Beloved apostles of My Sacred Heart, when you revere My Precious Blood you revere the Price of your Salvation; when you adore My Precious Blood you adore My Sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary; when you immerse yourself in My Sorrowful Passion, through prayer, you live out of My Infinite Mercy.
To think of My Sorrowful Passion, to reflect on My Sufferings, to adore My Death on the Cross, opens for the world an Unfathomable Source of Mercy. Therefore, My little ones, you must think more about My Sorrowful Passion by meditating on it, on the stories of the Holy Gospel, and you will understand in My Sufferings the Great Love I have for men.
It is also a desire of My Sacred Heart that the Immaculate Heart of My Mother be exalted and glorified, by proclaiming Her as the Coredemptrix of men and the Mediatrix of all Grace; when the dogma of My Mother’s Coredemption is proclaimed, an era of peace and love will be given to mankind and the entire Church.
Pray for the intentions of Our Sacred Hearts. My Crucified Love loves you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary, most pure, conceived without original sin.