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August 6, 2016 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

The Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary are here.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus says to the instrument: Dear apostles of our Sacred Hearts, I invite you to an ever deeper and more decisive surrender. So that your human wills, by renouncing them, may be configured to the Divine Will, and thus the life and work of My Sacred Heart may be life and action through you, and you will become little instruments, you will be the reflection of My Love. And so, little ones, through you, many souls who are being chosen to be part of the Final Triumph of the Lamb of God, too, will hear the call and follow my Mother and Me.

Dear children:

Do not be troubled in your hearts and always ask for the Strength of the Holy Spirit and, thus, you, too, will be transfigured by the Holy Spirit, through the Immaculate Heart of my Heavenly Mother.

Dear children:

Pray that my Mother may be exalted and known as the Coredemptrix of the Redeemer and that her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart may triumph throughout the world.

Pray for the intentions of our Sacred Hearts that they may be fulfilled in Divine Will, according to the plan of my Eternal Father.

My Eucharistic Love, which transfigures your hearts in my Love, bless you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


While “his face shone like the sun,” says the Gospel speaking of Jesus, his garments became white as snow.

Jesus, his garments became white as snow.

Now these garments, which shine like snow,” says St. Mark, “no fuller can make them white as snow.

There is no fuller who can make them whiter on earth.

What are these garments? They are none other than the righteous, inseparable from the God-Man and his regal adornment. They are the seamless garment, which is the Church, those who cleansed their own garment with the Blood of the Lamb and whom Mary continues to weave for her Son with the Blood of the Lamb, the most beautiful linen. That faithful remnant, those members of the Apostolate of the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, who in the face of this realization must assume the seriousness of their mission and open their hearts to fulfill it.

Therefore, although the Lord, having passed through the torrent of suffering, has personally entered into his glory, the mystery of the Transfiguration will only be complete until the moment when the last of the elect, having passed through the laborious preparation of the trial and having tasted death, has united himself to the head in his Resurrection.

Face of the Savior, rapture of the heavens, then all will shine forth in you: glory, beauty, and love. Expressing God in the perfect likeness of the Son as man, you will extend the Father’s pleasure, in the reflection of his Word that makes the children of adoption, joyful in the Holy Spirit, to the last bangs of the mantle that fills the temple (Isaiah 4:1).

St. Ambrose proclaims, and let us take this proclamation as a wake-up call to the apostles of the End Times:

“Let us go up to the mountain, let us beseech the Word of God to show Himself to us in His splendor and beauty; may He be strengthened, may He progress happily and reign in our souls.

For, O profound mystery, according to your measure, the Word grows or decreases in you. If you do not reach that summit higher than human thought, Wisdom does not appear to you, and the Word appears to you as in a body without luster or glory”.


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