Dear children, I call you to contemplate Jesus with my heart and with my eyes.
My children, it is very important to experience Jesus’ feelings, to put yourself in Jesus’ place, to understand Jesus. My son, not with impatience or anger, said to Peter and the apostles: men of little faith! My son said it with sadness, with pain; so long the apostles with my son and still did not understand the word of God, and their faith was very weak.
Children, you must ask for faith, you must pray so that your faith may increase, but also it is very important that, along with your faith, you may ask for the gift of love. Faith and love will bear fruit of hope. You have been listening to the Word of My Son for so long, and Our Sacred Hearts are teaching you, and you still have little faith, and still do not show love to others.
To say with your lips that God is Love, you must show it by your deeds. Must your faith contradict your deeds? Children, love is important, charity is important; charity in looks, charity in gestures, charity in speech.
May your love grow, and silence grow within, so that you may understand my words and have strength to live my messages. Prayer, faith, charity, and silence, so that you may grow in the way of the Gospel.
My children respond with obedience to my message. With maternal love I bless you; in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.