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Dear children, with the intercession of Saint Dominic of Guzman, who accompanies me, I give you my Call to Love:

Dear children of my Chaste Heart, it is necessary for you to understand that prayer is not limited only to asking God for favors, prayer is a path of holiness, it is also a path of transformation, and it is a path of inner growth.

Dear children:

When you pray with the heart you are purified. When you pray with the heart your prayers rise stronger to the Throne of God. When you pray with the heart you move the Spirit of God to act in you. When you pray with the heart you can understand our Calls to Love and that prayer of the heart gives you strength and grace to live them.

My children, to pray with the heart is simply to pray for love. When the soul is in love with God it rises with prayer, to embrace God, and only the soul that is in love with the Father prays constantly.

I invite you: fall in love with God. He has already given you his Love. He has already given you his Mercy. He has already given you his Grace; to reject this is to reject the Holy Spirit.

And remember that your generation has rejected the Spirit of God the most.

Enter my Josephite Path with the Rosary, not only in your hands, nor on your lips, but in your heart, and your heart will be transformed into the Heart of Mary with each Hail Mary.

Do this with faith, out of love, and the Holy Spirit will make your prayers effective and instruments of graces, so that the plans of our Sacred Hearts, when fulfilled in you, may also be realized in the whole world.

With Saint Dominic, to whom the Virgin Mary gave that Marian Path of Prayer: the Holy Rosary, I bless you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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