Oh, creatures all mine.
I speak to you, My dearest, to your heart. Today I speak to you, I want every heart to listen to Me. I want to be loved in every heart. O My creatures, what sharp pain I feel at this moment! How many are damned! How many forget Me! You close your door in My face and no longer say: “Your face I will seek, Lord, do not hide Your face from Me”.
You change your hearts and thoughts to other gods; false gods that will lead you to damnation. Open your mouth and let the Word come out of you which is a double-edged sword to wound and heal, to kill and give life, I Your God command you.
New people of Israel, people bought with the Blood of the Only Son, I call you and I say to you: be vigilant and be courageous because the battle against the spirits and powers has already begun and the result will be the salvation of many and the condemnation for others.
I am Love, but My Love inclines Me to correct and rectify, to bring about perfection, and to hope that you, My souls, will love Me as your God, for you must be mature in your Faith, clever and meek, recognize yourselves as sinners so that in My Heart you may be holy.
Learn always in My Heart, scrutinize My Words in the Holy Scriptures, love Me and make Me your Happy Father. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.