Dear child, little Jesus-Mary:
We have prepared for you, this time, realizing in your soul graces of mercy, such as the apparitions, the mystical incarnation of the Two Sacred Hearts in your heart, the seal of the Fiat, the invisible passion, the exudations of the Tears of the Immaculate, but all these graces, today will have, little son, their crowning; because we, the Most Holy Trinity, today celebrate with you the mystical betrothal with your soul.
Today, your soul is given a spouse, the Trinitarian Spouse: the Father, the Son and the Spirit are espoused to your soul in a mystical marriage, in a Trinitarian alliance.
The Immaculate Virgin, your Mother and Coredemptrix, is the spousal Mediatrix of this wedding of the Most Holy Trinity with your soul. This spousal alliance of the Trinity with your soul is the Crown of all graces and gifts. You will no longer live, but Jesus in you, by the power of the Holy Spirit, for the Father.
Your Trinitarian Spouse bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.
Description of the instrument:
I see the Most Holy Trinity, the Tender and Merciful Father, the Eucharistic Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Holy Spirit seated on thrones of light formed by clouds.
The Eucharistic Son was seated at the right hand of the Father, the Divine Spirit at his left and the Father in the middle.
The Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary approached and placed her Immaculate hand on my left shoulder.
The Tender and Merciful Father, at the end of the Call, placed on my head a crown of shining white flowers.