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Apostles of My Sacred Heart, I desire with all the Love that burns in My Heart for each one of you to pray. Transform your lives through prayer. Nothing will be transformed without prayer and action. Prayer gives you strength to act in the mission. That is why I prayed to My Father every night, to have strength, to carry out My Mission, the next day among the poor, among the sick, among the possessed, among the afflicted. Prayer changes everything. But if you don’t pray you won’t see the fruits, because prayer is important. If you truly pray with the Heart, if you pray without pettiness and selfishness, if you pray according to My Divine Will, if you pray with love, if you love what you pray, you will change, your lives will be changed by the Grace of My Father and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Do not stop praying! Do not stop praising! Pray! Pray always! Pray also that you may understand the greatness of My Apostolate and the urgency of My Calls to Love and Conversion! Pray and believe in faith that you will understand what Our Sacred Hearts want to do in each one of you.

And to you, little prophet, the three thorns, which were mystically given to you, one is to repair the rebellion of humanity towards My Father, the second to repair the hardness of man’s Heart to listen to Me, the third for all those who reject My Holy Spirit and do not allow Him to act and transform their lives. You will speak with the strength of My Spirit, for conversion is urgent.

I bless you with Love and Mercy: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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