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God the Father is present, full of white light and in a white dress. On his chest, the Holy Spirit surrounded by fire.

Beloved children, I am the Tender, Loving and Merciful Father. I gave without hesitation, even knowing the pain under which Jesus and, in Jesus, our Holy Trinity would suffer. I reserved nothing for myself, so that you, my children, would be saved by the sacrifice of my firstborn, God the Son. Beloved children contemplate the generous surrender of a whole God to save you, and by the sacrifice of my Son, the Divine Lamb, the doors of my kingdom will be opened for all men.

I am the Tender Father that loves and forgives and is close to his people. I have loved my people so much that I gave my Son to suffer the punishment that mankind should suffer in justice. Understand, dear children, that I Am God Almighty, all Omnipresent and all Omniscient, but I am also a loving Tender Father. And when the creatures that I have loved and created do not correspond to the love that I have for them, my Fatherly Heart certainly suffers infinitely. Because when the soul sins it is in danger of being lost eternally. Understand the gravity of my words and see in me a God who loves, a God who saves, a God who forgives. See in me the Most Tender and Merciful Father.

In the shield of the Apostolate which I have revealed to my little instrument, is contained the whole Union of the Trinity, having Mary as Mediatrix and Coredemptrix, teaching humanity with her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart to say Fiat. This shield of my Apostolate is the seal of the Holy Trinity showing the world the flow of graces ofthe United Sacred Hearts, the work of the Cross and the reign of the Holy Spirit. All this is born from my Father’s Heart.

I bless you with love. I am the Merciful God.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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