Beloved Apostles of my Sacred Eucharistic Heart:
Behold our Two Sacred Hearts united, by the Holy Spirit, in the Divine Will of the Tender and Merciful Father.
Behold, beloved children, how our Two Sacred Hearts have been united since Creation, the alliance of our Two Hearts was and is the response of the Merciful Father to the rebellion of men. Men repaid the Father with disobedience and the Father gave love: to the Mother and to the Word as a response to the lack of love of his children.
This Work is a Work of Love. My Mother and I want to gather an army of souls who love God, the Tender and Merciful Father.
With my Sacred Eucharistic Heart I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.