Dear children, may your will be open to the Divine Will. May your Fiat allow the Holy Spirit to act in your lives. When a soul asks for Grace, but its will is far from His Grace, it will not succeed because it has not been renounced. But if you renounce and accept the Graces, you will live in the Holy Spirit.
Open your hearts like a little Bethlehem so that the fire of Divine Love may seek refuge in it. So that the needy souls, the blind, the hungry, the naked, those whose hearts are far from God, may encounter the Child of Bethlehem in you. That you may be the blessed portal of Bethlehem. So that the Life of Grace of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus may be realized in you, may the Holy Family bless you and may you learn, my dear children, to live by the Word of God and obey the messages without fear and delay.
Thank you for responding to my Maternal Call.
I love and bless you.
The Word became Flesh and will dwell among you.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
