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Children of My Most Chaste Heart, I wish to speak to you about the Apostles of the Holy Family.

God the Father said: I will put enmity between you and the woman, between her lineage and your lineage, but she will crush your head with her heel. These were the words of the Father to the ancient serpent.

The lineage of that woman are the children who, by consecrating themselves to her, to Mary, serve Jesus. The Apostles, the disciples, the first Christians, always saw her, recognized her as a mother. But there was a great battle and the Woman clothed with the Sun gave birth, but God protected the woman and her son. And on the earth the children of the woman remained, the Apostles of the End Times, the Apostles of the Three Hearts.

This Apostolate is the image of the Holy Family in the whole world, and every soul that recognizes itself as part of those children of the Remnant Faithful, of the group that remains faithful to the Lord, will feel not only identified but also called to this Army.

My Apostolate, which I protect, is the gathering of the graces of heaven because it is the gathering of the family, of the family of God.

My Apostolate is the Great Work through which the Immaculate Heart will triumph, and Jesus will reign. This Apostolate is the Work of the faithful souls, of the victim souls, of the repairing souls, of the little souls. In this Apostolate all children of God are reached because it is a Work for all children of God. Just as the Cave of Bethlehem was opened for all on that Holy Night, so spiritually the Shrine of the Three Hearts is opened for all, with this Apostolate.

The Nativity of Jesus is the Birth of Humility, and the humble, only the humble, will be able to hear the Truth and obey what Jesus asks of them.

I give you my Blessing as the Father and Protector of the Apostles of the Sacred Hearts of the Mother and Child of Bethlehem, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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