Dear children, open your hearts to the Peace of God.
May peace watch over your hearts so that you may understand the Word of my Son and accept the divine will, for peace is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. And where the Holy Spirit is, there is Peace.
Do not be disturbed by the material things of life. Open your hearts to Divine Providence. Depend on the hand of the Lord, for He knows your needs.
Live in Peace so you can love.
Live in Peace so you can forgive.
Live in Peace so that you can experience the happiness and joy of the Child Jesus who comes to save you.
Dear children, open your hearts to the Presence of God. And be my true children by fulfilling my requests.
I bless all that you have placed on the Altar.
I love and bless you, dear children.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
