Apostles of my Sacred Heart, I wish you to hear my Call, not to hear it, as a noise is heard, but to listen to it, and to pay attention. Because souls even though they hear do not listen, even though they see do not understand, and even though I speak to them do not obey. My Call to the world is already being given. Opportunity for salvation and time of conversion is already being given to them, but they do not take advantage of Graces and Teachings. Because they do not take advantage of the Graces, and because they forget and disobey the Teachings that I am giving them, and even ignore them.
I, my apostles, can only go on to insist on a total change of life, but, as God, I respect infinitely their free will, and I cannot force them to live in sanctity. It is yours. It is your decision. It is your will. Through my prophet, I only announce the joy of salvation. Through my prophet, I only denounce what you are doing wrong. The answer is yours.
Look at my Mother, the Immaculate, the Pure, the Spotless, my Mother preserved from the beginning from all guilt and stain, because she was going to give birth to the Son of God. By a special Grace she was liberated from the chain of the original sin, but you, dear children, must strive and be watchful. I need to see in you concrete and firm decisions, so that you can grow. I know well that all are born with original sin, but in Confession their sins, after Baptism, are forgiven and they can live without sin, without stain, without stumbling. But the excuse they give is that we are weak. It is not an excuse. It is lack of will. It is lack of decision. How long will you be soft! How long will you be lukewarm! How long will you obey! My Immaculate Mother intercedes for you, prays for you, so that you may decide for the straight and holy path. Lukewarmness is not well seen from Heaven.
Never relax your life of prayer. Prayer and fasting! Fasting and prayer! I love you and as I love you very much, I also correct you.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin.