Dear children, the Great Sign of the Woman Clothed with the Sun is realized with the greatest manifestation of your Mother, my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Because I announce the arrival of the Reign of the Lamb of God and come to reunite my Marian Army, which are the Apostles of the End Times. And the weapons of these apostles are: The Rosary, the Sacraments and fasting.
Dear children, I have called you all to form my Faithful Remnant. Therefore, I invite you to open your hearts, so that the hardness of your hearts does not prevent the action of my Son in you, but that your hearts, open and willing, allow the Divine Spirit to transform you. The Holy Spirit will transform your hearts into another Heart of Mary if you allow Him.
The Triumph of my Heart is also the Triumph of purity, humility, and sacrifice. The human heart is pure when it renounces to sin and to itself. The human heart is pure when it hears the voice of God. The human heart is pure when it obeys the Divine Will. The human heart is pure when there is God.
So that God may act in you, open your hearts to my Heart and to the Holy Spirit. Dear children, my Calls to Love are urgent, it is important that you meditate on them with the heart. My Calls to Love are a school of conversion for each day, live them with the heart, they are the last urgent calls to humanity.
In my garden a drop of my Coredemptive blood has fallen, consecrating this Garden of Mary as the garden where the two hearts of the Mother and the Son repair the sins of men and console the heart of the Father.
With maternal love and with my pure and Immaculate Heart, I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.