Dear children: I have to take you by the hand because I want to introduce you to the Heart of Jesus.
My children, the Lord chose Me to come to you. The Lord sends me again so that you reach Jesus.
My children, take my hand and walk with me. The darkness is great, and confusion is everywhere. But with my hand, my children, you will not fall into error, for I am the Firm Tower, for I am a Pillar of Grace because the Lord has constituted me an Army in Battle Order.
Therefore, dear children, take my hand, walk with me, and be guided by my messages.
My children, I prepare all the Souls of the Faithful Army so that I can lead them by my hand to the Kingdom, where the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus will be forever.
My children always pray the Holy Rosary. With the reading of Holy Scripture and the strength of fasting, you will be firm in the storms of life.
My children, I always listen to your prayers. My Son Jesus and I are with all of you. I love you and bless you with my Flame of Love so that together we may blind Satan and destroy sin.
My children, the Peace of the Lord is with you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
