Dear little son, prophet of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, I am the Mother who, by divine command, appeared and manifested in Lourdes, and by the merits of the Most Holy Trinity I am the consolation of the afflicted, health of the sick, advocate of those who suffer and mediator of all graces.
My little one, my spokesman, in Lourdes, I entrusted my little Bernadette, not only to give a message to humanity, but also to humble herself by the pride and hardness of heart of men. My daughter kissed the earth, ate bitter herbs, drank muddy water, walked on her knees, and humbled herself before everyone for their conversion. They insulted and offended her, others humiliated and hated her, but nevertheless, this little messenger of penance with her humiliations, achieved mercy for that hard-hearted people.
Now you, my little one, through you, I make a final appeal to my messages to the world. Blessed are those who listen and join my army that I am gathering in this great Apostolate of the Holy Family.
Little one, now you must kiss the earth as a sign of acceptance of the cross of love; the bitter grass that you ingest through the attacks of the devil, the vomit of the dragon and the muddy water that comes out of Satan and those who let themselves be used by him. This, my beloved Carmelite, you must suffer so that others may also be saved.
Beloved child, Jesus suffers with you, and is humiliated with you, because His Spirit is in you. Be faithful, my little one, all this consists of love. At the end of this long walk, of this path full of mud which is sin and stones which are my enemies, my Immaculate Heart will conquer, triumph and reign. For now, my little one, live the Lourdes Message: penance, penance, penance. Jesus is suffering in you and beside you. My heart of a penitent and praying Mother is your refuge of love, consolation, and peace.
I love you and I ask you to make known to my Faithful Remnant what is sent to you from love, guide them for the night is very dark. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.