Apostles of my Sacred Eucharistic Heart, you have been called by your name and chosen by my Heavenly Mother, because with this work our Sacred Hearts are gathering the faithful remnant, even many souls that have been called to be part of my little remnant will be gathered, because they will be touched with the invitation to conversion with our Last Calls to Love.
The Apostolate is the work that my Sacred Heart is using to unite my Mystical Body.
My apostles, reparation and consolation of my Sacred Eucharistic Heart must always be done with prayers, but it is important that to the prayers you add your testimony of life; prayer and action, devotion and works is the perfection of reparation.
Open your hearts to the Merciful Love, which is being given to all, and do not resist any more my Eucharistic Love. Pray and live our Last Calls to Love and Conversion, calls that only seek to highlight and emphasize my Holy Gospel.
With my Sacred Eucharistic Heart, I bless you.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.