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Consecrate the Church, the world and Russia

The instrument: Jesus here I am, help me to serve you and do what you ask.

Jesus: Little one, the disposition of your little heart pleases me. You always look little, fragile, weak, and helpless. Your heart always beats and yearns for my presence.

Your heart is always in need of my Sacred Heart, and this consoles my heart. You are little, fragile, suffered, and persecuted, for the world to see that this work, which I have promoted through you, is mine and comes from my Sacred Heart. With you, little one, I confuse the wise man of this world.

The instrument: Jesus, thank you. I am little, I thank you for this. I am little, and I always want to be only a slave of love to your Sacred Heart.

Jesus: Son, and as a slave of love, I ask you to offer yourself for three important things for the realization of my Reign of Peace: offer yourself as an offering of love.

The Instrument: Jesus, I offer myself to serve you and to do with me as you please.

Jesus: Son, offer yourself then because the time is urgent. Offer yourself for the Church to proclaim the Reign of my Sacred Heart, announcing and proclaiming the fifth Marian dogma of the Co-redemptive Heart of my Mother. Offer yourself for the consecration of Russia, now, to our United Sacred Hearts, and the conversion of many men. And for the coming of my Eucharistic Reign through the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Now, my son, the time is urgent and Heaven calls, summons and prepares the apostles of the end times that, with the Apostolate, may hasten the fulfillment of the Divine Will on earth.

Little one, let us make this prayer to consecrate the Church, the world and Russia:

Eternal Father, your Mercy is eternal. You wait patiently for mankind to repent and be saved. We ask you, in the Name of your Son Jesus, that your Holy Spirit be poured out upon the earth so that hearts may be touched and moved to conversion.

Father, in these end times where the danger of eternal damnation predominates, we ask you to manifest the Divine Mercy of the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus to reach the earth, peace, consolation, and salvation.

Adorable Most Holy Trinity who has now disposed that humanity be restored to order and holiness through the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we want as slaves of your Trinitarian Love; children of the Woman Clothed with the Sun and members of your Mystical Body, the Church; united to the Holy Father, and to the bishops and priests in communion with him; as kings, priests and prophets since our baptism; to give and consecrate, as requested by Our Lady at Fatima, the Church, that she may be cleansed and sprinkled with the Precious Blood of your Son Jesus and the Maternal Tears of Mary, and she may grow in holiness and for all her members a spirit of conversion.

We consecrate you to Russia, through the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, so that the Dew of your Spirit may revive, heal and convert this nation and not be an instrument of evil from the enemy and his agents. May this land grow and flourish in holiness, piety, and conversion.

We give the whole world to you, so that in every corner of the earth the Eucharistic Reign of the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus may be proclaimed through the Triumphant Heart of Mary Immaculate. And that throughout the world there may be raised up apostles of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary who proclaim everywhere the seed of the Word of God and save souls, to console your Trinitarian Love so outraged by men.

Receive our consecration by the hands of the Mother Co-redemptrix and listen and answer our prayer according to your Divine Will. My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and love You, and I beg Your pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love You. Amen

Pray always like this my slave of love, the charity of the Holy Trinity urges. I love you and bless you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin


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