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My sorrowful passion began in the cenacle when I met with the twelve to celebrate the Passover.

My sorrowful passion is totally eucharistic because it began with the breaking of the bread. I sacramentally sacrificed my body. “Take and eat of my body,” I told them. And then I took the chalice and told them: “Take and drink of my blood”, I sacramentally gave my blood.

My body, at the eucharistic table, began to be sacrificed for love of all of you. After that supper I went to say goodbye to my mother, and I encouraged my mother to continue believing that on the third day I would rise again.

My heart was broken. My heart, even now, is broken. Selfishness and pride are the kings of man’s life.

I came to give life and light, but man wants to be immersed in death and darkness. The closing of your hearts makes me suffer so much! My children, you are so selfish, so hard and cold of heart, that you have become unable to understand the voice of God.

My heart still surrenders in every eucharist by updating my sacrifice.

Many forget that in the eucharist I am saying to my Father: “Forgive them because they do not know what they are doing”.

The heart that truly wants to love me will become a simple heart, a heart that knows how to listen, but above all, a heart that with love can obey.

My precious body, which began to give itself to you at the Paschal Supper, wishes to nourish you. Do not reject any more my voice; contemplate and think continuously that also my passion is eucharistic.

I bless you with love and forgive you with mercy.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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