The world is deaf to My Voice.
I am the Sacred and Agonizing Heart of Jesus. The world lives deaf to My Voice, yet I want your souls to not only hear this message, but to keep My Words.
I come to pour out My Presence upon you but I want all doubt, violence and lack of faith in Me to be dispelled from within you. I want you to love Me with sincerity and not only in word. Many say they know and love Me but they are instruments of slander and lies. Many say they know and love Me, but they prefer sin, sensuality, pride, vainglory and not loving Me, Jesus, who is agonizing for their sins.
I desire living souls, not dead ones, perfect, holy ones who say “yes” and not mediocre ones. I want souls who are courageous and determined in the work of extending the Reign of Our United Hearts. My Mother is with you, my little servant, and with all those who come here with the right intention. I ask you to pray and work from silence and obedience. Pray that My Mother, the beautiful Ray of Dawn and the Flame of Love from Her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart will blind Satan and all the unclean ones who seek the damnation of many souls. If you pray and are obedient to my Calls, you will triumph, if you persevere in prayer.
I want sincerity in you, and truly seek My Kingdom with the soul and passion of your little hearts. My Sacred Heart loves you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.