Dear souls redeemed at the price of blood by the good Jesus. Today, in obedience to the Divine Will, I wish to enter more deeply into the First Mansion. The First State of the Soul, in its process of sanctity, this first state or first step is the Holy Spirit himself, who illuminates the soul, for the soul not to lose consciousness of sin, and so, with the help of grace, it can see all its sins, can repent, confess them in the Sacrament of Penance, and change its life.
In this First Mansion of the Sacred Hearts, the soul is helped by the Spirit of God; it meets the Holy Spirit; it is illuminated in its journey; it recognizes what it has done wrong; it recognizes the good that it has not done; it recognizes the good that it must do; it recognizes the evil of its actions, which can be repaired, because it is not only to ask for forgiveness, but also to repair the damage that has been done. For example, souls, if someone destroys a house and asks for forgiveness to the owner of the house, he has not done anything; on the contrary, if he asks for forgiveness to the owner of the house, but also builds it again, to repair the damage he has done, he has already done everything.
Dear children of the heart of Jesus, it is not only asking for forgiveness, it is also repairing the evil you have done. And, in this first state, the soul, helped by the Holy Spirit, succeeds. Upon entering this first state, the soul meets the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit becomes its counselor, its director, its guide; and illuminated by the Holy Spirit, it begins a new path of grace, of virtue.
Then the first step to conversion is the illumination of conscience, through the Spirit of God. Then, beseech the Divine Spirit to illuminate your minds and hearts, so that you may change and go on advancing, by means of these Mansions of Holiness that are the hearts of Jesus and Mary.
I bless you.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.