Dear children of my Chaste and Loving Heart, prayer must be vital to you, just as the body depends on oxygen, to live, so must prayer be so necessary in your lives, to live, to live in God, to live by working in his Divine Will, to live by longing for his Will.
Prayer is the strength of the soul; prayer comes down in blessing and strength for you; prayer must be the center on which your whole life turns.
Dear children, much is spoken, much is talked, little is prayed, little is meditated, little is valued the virtue of silence, reflection and meditation.
Silent souls are souls that pray, and souls that pray and keep silence are very strong souls, able to reach the end with the cross. Souls that pray much and speak little are wise souls, are prudent souls, and are souls of God.
When I lived in Nazareth, I longed for silence because through silence I could contemplate the child, could listen to him, could adore him and could learn, but being in silence, in prayer.
Trust in the Lord! Trust in God! Our Calls to Love and Conversion are very serious, are real and concrete, and, as an urgent appeal, must be obeyed.
The revelations of our Sacred Hearts in this spiritual sanctuary are unique and cannot be compared to any other, because here Heaven is making the Gospel explicit from the very heart of Jesus.
Pay close attention and live with commitment the spirit of this great Apostolate! This work of Heaven must be considered seriously, and by obeying with love you will be true Apostles of our Sacred Hearts; never separate obedience from love.
As the father of the Apostles of the hearts of Jesus and Mary, I bless you.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.