Dear children, I love you in my Maternal Heart.
I listen to your prayers and supplications. Do not tire of praying. Do not remove holy prayer from your lips or from your heart. Fasting is very important, too, dear children. With prayer and fasting there are many spiritual victories. Do not forget, children, that fasting is important for the spiritual fight. In this spiritual combat, which my Army is facing, you must be strengthened, with prayer and fasting, with the constant reading of Sacred Scripture, with Eucharistic Adoration and Holy Communion, with Sacramental Confession.
My children, in the Church of my Son you find what is necessary for your salvation: the Sacraments and the forgiveness of sins. My children, be attentive to my words which, as a good Mother, I only wish to lead you to the good, to the Eternal Good, which is God. Do not ignore my call. Do not separate yourselves from my Immaculate Heart.
I love you and I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
