To truly understand my immaculate heart, one must grasp the profound Mystery of my Most Pure Womb. It was the First Tabernacle of Jesus: the Man-God, the God-Bread, the Bread-Sacrament, the Sacrament of Love and Love for souls. It is within my Womb that God takes form.
The Blessed Mother:
The Son of God took my Flesh and my Blood, human matter, human flesh, that sin, my little children, has contaminated you, and how could it be possible that the Son of God, Holy, Mighty, but above all Merciful and Loving, took my flesh and my blood, when I was contaminated by sin? That is why I sing the Greatness of the Lord; marvels He has done in me he who can do everything.
For my Father, nothing is impossible; I, my little children, would be his Mother, as well as his Daughter, Spouse, and Tabernacle. I am the First Tabernacle. Only in my Womb and being formed in it, entering my little children into my Pure and immaculate maternal womb, can you become like Jesus.
In my Womb, my little one, is the Mold to make new Christs. Therefore, the Holy Spirit, my Divine and Chaste Spouse, who before being my Spouse is my God, filled me with his Holiness and the graces necessary for my vocation as Mother, Mother of God-Man, Mother of all you sinners, from the Cross.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.
