Dear children, my Immaculate Heart renews the Presence of God in your hearts, which is dissipated in souls by the world and sin.
Dear children, the Lord has sent me to save souls, touch hearts, and ask for sinners' conversion.
My children, I bring the Good News of my Son's Eucharistic Reign by my presence throughout the world. But many hearts continue to ignore my voice, continue to offend my Immaculate Heart, and continue to offend Our Lord.
My children, I invite you to be Christians. The Christian gives himself, loves, forgives, lives in silence, carries his cross, and offers all his suffering to Jesus.
My children follow my Son. In this world, it is not easy because the world has hated my Son first and hates his disciples and my children. Therefore, little children, be true soldiers of the Army of my Maternal Love, be true disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Call upon the Holy Spirit to teach you all things.
I am with you and intercede for each one of you. I love and bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
