My Most Chaste Heart has always needed God. Since I was a child, I have longed to dedicate my life to the service of the Lord. I prayed that one day I would be able to serve the promised Messiah. However, I did not know that the Messiah would be my son. And as I recall this, my heart trembles with much love and admiration.
When your hearts are open, but also when you have them empty of all worldliness, of all the noise of the god ego, when you have stripped yourself of everything to be filled with God, and put everything into the hands of the Lord, the Father surprises, the Father never lets himself be won over in generosity.
The Father took me, he called me, but I could hear him because I was silent, because I was in unceasing prayer, because I was accompanying my prayer with fasting. The Father wants to surprise you! The Father wants to draw you to him. But prayer is very necessary, unceasing prayer, prayer at every moment, and silence, a silence of listening, a silence of contemplation, and a silence of the soul waiting to listen and learn.
Remember that God calls for two fundamental things: to love, to love much, and to serve, to serve endlessly. Love and service is the spirituality of the home of Nazareth. Love and service that becomes prayer, praise, thanksgiving, and continual admiration and contemplation of the Father’s love and mercy.
I, Saint Joseph, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, loved and served God, Jesus, and Mary, and all men. I am the father of service, of hidden silence, of contemplation, and I bless you with the love of a father, of a protector.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.