Dear children, my Chaste and Loving Heart desires to turn your hearts into hearts of adoration and reparation.
Little ones, the battle of God’s children with the world is very strong, but God’s love will always win. This spiritual war represents the triumph of God and his love, that is, Satan is already defeated, and the love of the Immaculate Heart of the Heavenly Queen will triumph. But his sufferings, crosses and pains must be offered and supported with love, since pain makes the Lord’s children strong. Pain that unites and gives to God strengthens his children. And just as in Fatima the Lady said to the three little shepherds that the grace of God will be your strength, so all the apostles of our Sacred Hearts have the strength of the grace of God.
Do not worry, nor be disturbed, that Satan is already defeated. You must persevere, pray, and as soldiers of Jesus Christ fight for the triumph of God’s love.
I love you; I bless you as the Patriarch of the Holy Family: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.