All my children who believe, pray and wait for the proclamation of the dogma of my Maternal Coredemption, I am gathering them, along with the Holy Spirit, in my Apostolate; because this work is totally united with the proclamation of the dogma of Mary Coredemptrix.
With the Hail Mary of the End Times, you ask for the proclamation of this dogma. One of the promises I have given to the Hail Mary of the End Times is that they will approach the proclamation of this dogma. The Prayer Cenacles of our Sacred Hearts gather my children who believe and wait for the coming of this gift.
My children:
My Apostolate, the Cenacles of Prayer and Hail Mary’s of the End Times bring near the coming of this gift for the Church and the world. May your Mother be proclaimed Coredemptrix.
Dear children, open your hearts to my Maternal Calls and live my words. I wish to show humanity how much Jesus loves you.
Gather and persevere in the Prayer Cenacles of our Sacred Hearts. Always listen with an open heart to our Calls to Love and Conversion.
I give you my Maternal Blessing.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.