Dear children, you are living in a time of a spiritual battle, and what is at stake are souls, the souls of poor sinners, for whom my Immaculate Heart suffers much. Very few listen to my words, and very few believe them.
Little children, pray, make reparation, ask for forgiveness in the name of those souls, and give yourself up for them.
Little children, in this spiritual battle, you must give, as an offering of love, all your sufferings, problems, and tribulations, which are necessary and important for saving souls.
Do not complain, dear children; suffer in silence. The suffering of silence has a lot of value.
My little children offer yourselves. This battle is tough and will become more intense because the Beast advances. My adversary's servants are agile and cunning. You, dear children, become like carrier pigeons, announcing that My Son is coming back.
My children, awaken from spiritual lethargy and open your eyes to reality. You live in full battle. You are living amid the Third World War. My children, you are my soldiers. You are the Army of my Immaculate Heart. Listen to the voice of your Mother, who shows you the way to follow Jesus. He is in the Tabernacle waiting for you. Adore Him always. Hold on to my Holy Rosary; do not take it away from your hand, lips, and heart.
My children, I protect and guide you. Do what my Son Jesus tells you, what my Son Jesus has taught you in the Holy Gospel. And offer yourselves, children, offer yourselves without fear, offer yourselves as living hosts.
I love and bless you. The roses you place under my feet have the gift of healing, protection, and liberation. My maternal love is in each rose that I bless, as is the chain of salvation in the Holy Rosary.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.
